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lisaj | profile | all galleries >> It's Not a Workshop Any More, Toto >> Early Stages tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Early Stages

Dave and Joe, laying out the footprint of the Tower
Dave and Joe, laying out the footprint of the Tower
Dave and Joe, laying out the footprint of the Tower (with Sticky supervising)
Dave and Joe, laying out the footprint of the Tower (with Sticky supervising)
They have all the latest high-tech equipment
They have all the latest high-tech equipment
Fine-tuning the layout
Fine-tuning the layout
The only obvious issue to deal with: we'll have to build up the corner of the tower that's in a small gully
The only obvious issue to deal with: we'll have to build up the corner of the tower that's in a small gully
Staying close as we can to the original octagonal layout
Staying close as we can to the original octagonal layout