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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> Non-endemics Photo-List >> Non-endemics - Part I > IMG_7106-750x750.jpg
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Marsh Sandpiper

Scientific name - Tringa stagnatilis

Habitat - Uncommon, in marshes, ricefields, and fishponds in shallow water rarely on exposed mud and coral flats.

[20D + Sigmonster (Sigma 300-800 DG)]

Canon EOS 20D
1/1600s f/9.0 at 800.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Milan Vogrin23-Dec-2007 09:51
Superb action catch! V!
Steven Price 06-Apr-2007 10:12
super image wow!! what a lens & what a great photographer as well.
romy ocon24-Feb-2007 09:13
With the great action and low shooting angle, this photo of a couple of Wood Sandpipers fighting for feeding territory is a shoo-in to my Top non-Endemics gallery.
Guest 04-Feb-2007 06:44
Magnificent shot! Well chosen as rep for the gallery. v.
Guest 23-Jan-2007 14:42
Probably taken with 20D's fast frame rate and this was the best.
Matt Latham 15-Nov-2006 11:40
Absolutely fantastic photo
Reyno26-Jun-2006 23:03
Good timing, Great capture.
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