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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Cuckoos and Drongo-cuckoos > IMG_4574.JPG
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Plaintive Cuckoo

Scientific name - Cacomantis merulinus

Habitat - Low to middle elevation forest, edge, scrub and clearings.

Canon EOS 20D
1/800s f/11.0 at 400.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
romy ocon11-Nov-2004 11:00
Thanks! Another lifer for me then...8-)
Wouter & Marijn 11-Nov-2004 10:31
Yes, a Plaintive Cuckoo.
romy ocon11-Nov-2004 02:54
I guess this is a Plaintive Cuckoo because of its relatively smaller size, less prominent eye ring and more tail white patterns than the Brush Cuckoo. Comments are welcome.
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