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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Cuckoos and Drongo-cuckoos > IMG_8158.jpg
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Philippine Drongo-cuckoo
(a Philippine endemic)

Scientific name - Surniculus velutinus chalybaeus

Habitat - Fairly common in lowland forest.

other sizes: small medium original auto
romy ocon22-Jul-2004 12:40

Hey, Steve, I was expecting a lengthy debate on this one's ID, you spoiled the fun....8-)
steve 22-Jul-2004 12:20
Hi Guys,
I'll put you out of your misery of not knowing what this is! This is Philippine Drongo-cuckoo (Surniculus velutinus chalybaeus). In spite of the Kennedy Guide treatment this is now widely considered a valid split of the Asian Drongo-cuckoo, and is a Philippine endemic. BTW - great shots of the Malkoha. I know you wanted them badly.
romy ocon22-Jul-2004 10:49
Nilo Arribas (who was with me in this photo-birding) and I are of the opinion that this bird might not be a Balicassiao because:

1. The shape of the bill is not right.
2. It looked much smaller than the Balicassiao.
3. It was not skittish and noisy, it just stayed perched, alone, while Nilo and I took over a dozen photos.
3. The tail looks different too from that of the Balicassiao.

What is it then? It might not be a Drongo Cuckoo, as there are no white marks on the tail's underside.

Could it be a Blackish Cuckoo-Shrike? Or the uncommon Black-bibbed Cuckoo-Shrike?

I'm inviting comments and discussion on the ID of this bird. I've uploaded the following two additional pics to help in the ID (please note that the eye is discolored by the flash).

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