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Tierra Del Sol Desert Safari March 4 & 5,06

Terra Del Sol is a 4 wheel club out of the San Diego area.They put on this event for the last 44 years in Anza Borrego of lower desert .Registration around 15,000 and they have a big vender area. I was there to help my friend, 4x4 Coach Tom Severin at his booth to permote his Badlands off road Adventures business. You can check out his website at
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g3/42/566042/3/57168027.DSC00082.jpg  Lawn is already dead !!!
Lawn is already dead !!!
  Houseing track that going in off Marina dive
Houseing track that going in off Marina dive
New homes off Marina drive
New homes off Marina drive
g3/42/566042/3/57168035.DSC00078.jpg Not much of a landscape !!!
Not much of a landscape !!!
g3/42/566042/3/57168039.DSC00076.jpg g3/42/566042/3/57168041.DSC00075.jpg
 Monday noon around TDS !!!!
Monday noon around TDS !!!!
g3/42/566042/3/57168045.DSC00073.jpg  Dead root art !!!
Dead root art !!!
 This was the brightness thing around on this on Sun Monday morning !!!
This was the brightness thing around on this on Sun Monday morning !!!
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