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7th June 2005 - songs that changed my life no 8

Do you want to know a secret – the Beatles

This song changed my life because it introduced me to the thrill of intimacy – there is something about the way the lyrics invite proximity and leave you feeling warm, enveloped and safe. They were my first girlhood stirrings of understanding what love might be like.

I have said it before and I know I’ll say it again many times – nothing is better for the psyche than the human touch, whether literal or metaphorical – for me, I’d rather hear ‘I love you’ than any other words in our language and I LOVE our language with a passion. They’re not words that the very reserved DM says very often (in case you’ve not noticed, he’s a man of few words generally) but it means that I am sure that when he says them, he means them.

So, when the Beatles sang ‘closer, let me whisper in your ear, say the words you long to hear, I am in love with you’, my stomach churned and my heart leaped. Not for the love of the Beatles but for the promise of a future in which I may star in my own little version of the words….‘closer, let me whisper in your ear, say the words you long to hear, I am in love with you’ – today that has happened to me!!! How cool is that?

I’m not sure I regard myself a Beatles fan really – though like every other human being on the planet I will happily sing along to any of their hits that find their way onto my radio station of choice.

I doubt I really remember the song from its original release – my first recollections of it are from my time in Bahrain as a child in around 1968, when my parents were both DJs on Radio Muharraq - well, BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service) Muharraq actually. My Dad did a classical music show and my Mum did Family Favourites. When we (Jan and I) went to the station with them we were given the run of the music library and two sets of headphones and allowed to listen to anything we wanted. It was great. The Beatles featured heavily in our listening choice. I suspect that even though I don’t really acknowledge it, the experience was what made me forever a ‘three minute hero’ fan – if a band can’t say what they want to say in three minutes then they should forget it as far as I’m concerned – my short attention span makes eight minute or ten minute long tracks absolutely out of the question so that’s partly why I despair at Pink Floyd or their ilk.

As I have grown up, I appreciate the value of secrecy - I have a secret now - I'll tell you later in the week.

Two years ago I was lusting after my sex god....and last year I was confessing to being a diarist for many years!

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Steven Jusczyk08-Jun-2005 06:39
Like the way his eye is looking off, as if he's making sure no one sees him.
Eric Hewis07-Jun-2005 23:26
Stuart Maconie is your dad?, or am I getting my Wigan DJ's mixed up?
I remember listening to a Beatles LP (For your younger readers, a bit like a CD but bigger) under a table with the love of my life, I'm not saying anymore about that, I'll just go off and have a restless night :-(
Pop Trivia - Billy J. Kramer had the Top Ten hit with the song.
Gail Davison07-Jun-2005 22:20
Hope your secret is what I think it is ;-)
Cheryl Hawkins07-Jun-2005 20:08
Another excellent photo! I got lots of good memories and feelings from reading your text, thank you Linda.

What's the secret? Do I have to wait a week?
Dan Chusid07-Jun-2005 20:00
I can remember being in a talent show with my brothers and we were performing as the Beatles with pie-plate/broomstick guitars and a pot for drums. Our wigs were mops! I think we performed to "I Want To Hold Your Hand". We won second prize...... ;^( I turned out to be a Stones fan anyway.
Sheena Woodhead07-Jun-2005 19:58
You won't believe this but about a metre away from where I'm sitting is the Beatles first, and my second, LP(Please Please Me) which includes "Do you want to know a secret". I can't play it though because we no longer have a turntable!
Guest 07-Jun-2005 19:42
'V'ery cool!
Ray :)07-Jun-2005 19:40
Aw, you got me singing those words in my head now!
Ah, Jean Metcalfe!