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Linda A | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2018 it's just a thing > 27th June 2018 - trying so hard to be good
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27th June 2018 - trying so hard to be good

We have virtually no cooking facilities and, because our fridge is in the garage, this increases the difficulty of the task. Imagine the scene…

I come home from work, after putting in an eleven hour, relentless shift in baking heat to start making a meal. I listlessly decide on a plan based on what you can cook with half a mouldy courgette, a half-used pack of tofu and definitely, absolutely NO garlic on a school night! My reserve and goodwill falter. Should we just throw in the towel and go to the pub for a pie and a pint? Should I make a couple of omelettes and get David to make the hundred-yard-dash to the chippie for some chips to go with the omelettes? Should I just make two fried egg sandwiches and be done?

Noooooooo. Be good, Linda, be good!

This morning, I was trying to make up for last night’s pie and pint (bad, bad, bad) so it was a small bowl of muesli and a few grapes (kind of good). I braved it outside in my jammies to get the grapes and when I returned to the kitchen, the sultry, humid heat had done this to them. OK, so it’s not a 5D shot, but it’s pretty OK for pic taken at 6.35am, ten minutes before I left home for my day with my nose to the grindstone…

Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II
1/30s f/3.2 at 10.2mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
exzim03-Jul-2018 02:44
You've been here before, you will survive and flourish