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Lillian Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Our Lighthouses >> Los Morrillos: Arecibo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Los Morrillos: Arecibo

Established in 1898, its tower stands 14m/46ft.

The lighthouse is still active, restored by the municipality and managed for tourism.
Los Morrillos Lighthouse
Los Morrillos Lighthouse
Los Morrillos Lighthouse built in 1898
Los Morrillos Lighthouse built in 1898
View of the hexagonal tower
View of the hexagonal tower
The 46 ft. hexagonal tower
The 46 ft. hexagonal tower
Lens housing
Lens housing
Puerto Rican flag under Spanish rule circa 1873
Puerto Rican flag under Spanish rule circa 1873
Sign in the Lighthouse museum
Sign in the Lighthouse museum