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Elizabeth O'Neill | profile | all galleries >> Private >> Cottage >> July 19, 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

First stages | July 19, 2004 | August 8, 2004 | Vacation 2004 | Other people's cottages | Summer 2005

July 19, 2004

A one day trip taken primarily to show the cottage to the girls. They had not seen it "in person" yet!

Click on thumbnail for full image
The girls and Bailey love the water
The girls and Bailey love the water
Stephanie and Bailey
Stephanie and Bailey
Loading the boat
Loading the boat
Full load!
Full load!
I see the cottage! (hehe)
I see the cottage! (hehe)
I LIKE this place!
I LIKE this place!
That fresh air!
That fresh air!
Captain Paul
Captain Paul
Oh oh... Stephanie driving...
Oh oh... Stephanie driving...
Caroline is not worried
Caroline is not worried
Paul IS... a bit more
Paul IS... a bit more
Caroline at the wheel
Caroline at the wheel
Bailey wishes she could be IN it, not ON it !
Bailey wishes she could be IN it, not ON it !
Back to the dock, we're leaving
Back to the dock, we're leaving