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Elizabeth O'Neill | profile | all galleries >> Private >> My friends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My family | My friends | Christmas 2006 | Terry's 50th Birthday Bash! | Christmas 2005 | Caroline's Graduation | Thomas Courtney Haugh | Sunday Trips | Backyard | Cottage | Ruby | BarBQ 2004 at Jen and Pat's

My friends

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The photographer
The photographer
Michael - Downtown TORONTO
Michael - Downtown TORONTO
Bailey & Tucker  took Catherine for a walk
Bailey & Tucker took Catherine for a walk
Bill & Debbie's house
Bill & Debbie's house
Bill & Debbie's house - closer
Bill & Debbie's house - closer
Colin's bike
Colin's bike
Colin with his bike
Colin with his bike
Bill on bike
Bill on bike
Henry - 2005
Henry - 2005
Sally - 2005
Sally - 2005
Sharon - 2005
Sharon - 2005
John & Shirley - Summer 2004
John & Shirley - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Catherine & Bailey - Summer 2004
Yogi & Maranda - Winter 2004
Yogi & Maranda - Winter 2004
Sam & Bob - Fall 2003
Sam & Bob - Fall 2003
Yogi & Damian - Summer 2003
Yogi & Damian - Summer 2003
Backyard gang - Summer 2003
Backyard gang - Summer 2003
Damian - Summer 2003
Damian - Summer 2003
Jeremy the Great!
Jeremy the Great!
Angie and Kaylee
Angie and Kaylee
Krista with baby - look for it?? ;-)
Krista with baby - look for it?? ;-)
Katelyn - Summer 2003
Katelyn - Summer 2003
James & Cesar -  January 2003
James & Cesar - January 2003
Sue & Jim - Xmas 2002
Sue & Jim - Xmas 2002
Jim S - Summer 2002
Jim S - Summer 2002
Denyse & Bernie
Denyse & Bernie
Hannu & Sharon
Hannu & Sharon
Mathieu & Richard
Mathieu & Richard
JR - 2004
JR - 2004
Jim & Caro
Jim & Caro
Denyse & Zab
Denyse & Zab
The girls with Mrs. R - Summer 2002
The girls with Mrs. R - Summer 2002
Caro & Rick - Xmas 2002
Caro & Rick - Xmas 2002
Angie - Xmas 2002
Angie - Xmas 2002
Angie & Wade - Xmas 2002
Angie & Wade - Xmas 2002
Mary & Dobbie - Xmas 2002
Mary & Dobbie - Xmas 2002
Mary & Gerry - Xmas 2002
Mary & Gerry - Xmas 2002
Krista - Xmas 2002
Krista - Xmas 2002
Luanne - Xmas 2002
Luanne - Xmas 2002
Sue & Jim - Xmas 2002
Sue & Jim - Xmas 2002
Al & Marlene - Xmas 2001
Al & Marlene - Xmas 2001
Al - Xmas 2002
Al - Xmas 2002
Luanne - Xmas 99
Luanne - Xmas 99
Chris & Diana
Chris & Diana
360-180-90 - Winter 1986
360-180-90 - Winter 1986