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Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus) aka African hunting dog are found only in Africa and are something like a cross between a German Shepherd and a Greyhound.
They have the head of a German Shepherd but the legs of a Greyhound.
There used be ~500,000 wild dogs in Africa – spread throughout sub-Saharan Africa except in forests
Now they are the second most endangered carnivore in Africa after the Ethiopian wolf.
It is estimated that the total remaining population is only about 4,000.
Their Latin name means 'painted wolf' referring to the animal's irregular, mottled coat, which features patches of black, brown, white, and yellow fur.
Each animal has its own unique coat pattern and all have big rounded ears.
Most of the pictures were taken in Kruger (Nottens Bush Camp) in late October 2008. There were 9 individuals in the pack, 5 adults and 4 pups aged about 4 months old. They hadn't been seen in this area for about 2 months when suddenly they returned. The four pups were very scared of approaching the water-hole, due to fear of crocodiles. The last few photos are of wild dogs seen in northern Botswana.

Adult Rolling Wild Dog Pups - Checking for crocs Wild Dog Pups at Waterhole
Wild Dogs on the move Pups - Food Fight Approaching the water
Thinking? Wild Dog - Alpha Female Wild Dog - Adult Male
Pups at waterhole Wild Dog Pups Adults drinking after a kill.
Night Hunting - past the Rhinos Wild Dogs Hunting at night Pups at waterhole
Wild Dog Pup Exploring Wild Dog, De-Wildt Centre Wild Dog Pup
Wild Dog Pup - Food Fight Wild Dog Adult Wild Dog Pups - Food Fight
Play Fight Wild Dog Resting Wild Dog Pups
Wild Dog - De-Wildt Centre Wild Dog Yawn Wild Dog Resting 2
Wild Dog Wild Dog Wild Dog Pups
Wild Dog Pups Wild Dog Wild Dog
Night Hunting Wild Dog Wild Dog Adult
Where's the Croc? Wild Dogs Alert Close Encounter
Feeding Frenzy On the move! Alpha Male
Alpha Male ... 8-pack Airborne Relaxing
Dances with Wolves (Painted) The Chase Confusion in the Ranks
Camouflaged Hunter What's that sound? Sleepy Pups
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