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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Clare >> Cliffs of Moher > Storm Frank
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30-DEC-2015 Dick Keely

Storm Frank

Doolin Harbour, Co. Clare

... with Cliffs of Moher and Hag's Head in the background.
Storm Frank caused havoc across Ireland - ferry sailings were cancelled, roads closed and a car was blown into the Shannon River.
About 5,000 homes were left without electricity - the affected homes were in Donegal, Mayo, Kerry, Cork, and the south-east.

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED AF-S II
1/800s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Arthur Lebacq18-Oct-2016 12:25
Spectacular shot......V
Julie Oldfield02-Jan-2016 02:13
Extraordinarily beautiful! Very dramatic. V
chris morton31-Dec-2015 22:46
spectacular water dynamics and good background
laine31-Dec-2015 20:13
Mother Nature can be beautiful even when she's at her most brutal.
Many are not about to see a good beginning to 2016, but I wish you all well in the near future.

A stunning shot. V
Tom Munson31-Dec-2015 00:41
Caught at the perfect time. Great shot.
Allan Jay30-Dec-2015 22:30
Powerful image to signify the dramatic weather challenges!
Gilles Navet30-Dec-2015 22:19
Comme une peinture japonaise...
V gilles
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