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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Travel >> Africa >> Ghana > Playing in the Rain
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19-JUL-2012 Dick Keely

Playing in the Rain

near Tamale, Nortthern Region, Ghana

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woody3424-Jul-2012 04:08
Wonderful capture...that's a lot of rain but they still look very happy..
Gary Hebert23-Jul-2012 21:30
excellent work Dick... great documentary.. :-))
regi olbrechts23-Jul-2012 19:44
Great, lively, - real - shot Dick.
Frank Kavanagh Photography23-Jul-2012 19:40
Great shot, nice to see someone enjoying the rain.V.
Peter Stubley23-Jul-2012 19:22
Very nice shot. Expressive capture, with a good sense of story.
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