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McCalls 8713 Carrot Blouse

Silk charmeuse botanical carrot print from eQuilter. McCalls 8713 Palmer/Pletsch blouse. Enamelled carrot buttons from JBS. Finished June 30, 2003.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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jean harville 27-Oct-2005 17:16
I envy your ability to fit yourself. The armhole is perfect and so the bust dart is in the best position. Of course you chose a beautiful fabric. Thank you for sharing so many of your sewing projects. Your creativity is inspiring.
Lynn 20-Sep-2004 17:35
Hi, Liana,

I was browsing your web site as a guest and just had to tell you what a stunning, well-made blouse this is. The color is beautiful and the skirt color complements it beautifully!! Thks. for sharing!!

Lynn from S. C.