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Guy Bruyea | all galleries >> Wildlife >> Birds >> Other Birds >> In the Backyard >
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American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)

Photographed in my backyard in Temecula, California.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM
+1.4 1/400s f/11.0 at 420.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yi Feng15-Mar-2006 02:25
Beautiful shot.
Greg Harp13-Mar-2006 18:45
QUERIDO13-Mar-2006 07:56
nice shot
lou_rozensteins13-Mar-2006 07:16
A lovely colourful bird; together with the perch, you have a great picture here. Well done.
Patrick Luft13-Mar-2006 05:18
Excellent shot! Very artistic. Voted.
Guest 13-Mar-2006 00:14
csmallari12-Mar-2006 23:49
Wooooo Guy !!!! Excellent capture you've got here :-) Very crisp details ! Thanks for sharing
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik12-Mar-2006 23:26
Wonderful shot! You're lucky to be able to photograph birds in your yard. Our apt list is about 12 sp and that's after 20 years! L&S
Guest 12-Mar-2006 23:14
Great shot nice to have great subjects in your own yard.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 18:50
Bryan Murahashi12-Mar-2006 17:51
So very nice. Excellent capture.
henrywong12-Mar-2006 17:46
very nice shot Guy !!
Tom Munson12-Mar-2006 17:32
Terrific shot Guy, they are starting to color up.
Peter Stahl12-Mar-2006 17:07
Nice capture of a beatiful looking bird.Well done Guy.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 16:53
Great shot -- nice that you get such colorful visitors, and have an ideal spot for them to perch.
Johnny JAG12-Mar-2006 16:53
Beautiful bird, nicely done.
chrisse12-Mar-2006 16:42
Beautiful image, great detail in the feathers, and I like the composition with him sitting on a fence or something.
George Christakos12-Mar-2006 16:40
Excellent photo with perfect details.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 16:38
Excellent shot!