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Dean Wagner

In Memorium

The photographs in this gallery were taken by my friend Dean Wagner.
Dean, a fellow PBase member, passed away in April 2008.
Dean and I enjoyed many photo outings together. He is dearly missed by all who knew him.
I thought I would share some of his digital images taken around his hometown of San Diego.
May the memory of his love for nature, VW's and photography live on through these images.

Dean (top) and myself at Santee Lakes in 2006.
Click to enlarge. Photo by Patrick Luft.

Wood Duck American Wigeon        Anas americana Let me at them.
California Ground Squirrel Blue and Gold Macaw Queen of Bavaria Conure
Severe Macaw Watching the game Carlsbad, California
La Jolla Cove La Jolla Cove Photographers vehicles
Norfolk Island pine - Araucaria heterophylla Mandarin Duck IMG_1580.JPG
Sedum rubrotinctum Gulf fritillary orgy Passiflora caerulea
August evening thunderstorms over Warner Springs Winery Bugs DSCN0824.JPG
DSCN0564.JPG Touchdown !!!! Unidentified fuzzy succulent
Female Wood Duck Quick here comes a photographer Nesting Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura
Cloudless Sulpher Turkey Vulture American Coot - Fulica americana
Heerman's Gull - Larus heermaniii Heermans Gull g3/00/613900/3/55918052.IMG_0837.jpg
Western Fence Lizard Muscovy Duck - Cairina moschata American Wigeon - Anas americana