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Leslie Granger | profile | all galleries >> Family trip to Alaska June 2006 >> Monday June 12th St. Louis to Fairbanks tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Monday June 12th St. Louis to Fairbanks

I pushed back from St. Louis on time headed for Minneapolis. I met the plane from Denver and then we explored the airport. The flooring is beautiful in the airport and the Lands End store is still nice. We got Sushi and sandwiches to take on the airplane with us. There was an amazing amount of obese people on the airplane to the point that people had to rearrange seats as they were too fat to sit next to each other. There was a group that all seemed to know each other and they finally got it all worked out. From the airplane going over the Alaska range we had a beautiful view of Mt. McKinley. We landed in Fairbanks gathered our luggage and took a bus to the hotel which was close to downtown (Westmark Fairbanks). It was 67 deg. and overcast. We walked downtown, looked at the Chena river and I took another photo from the now famous time and temperature sign. (I had taken one 11 yrs ago when I was here and it was -30deg. F. The old Yukon Quest store had been torn down and there was now a big hotel there. The sky is quite hazy from forest fires. Downtown was deserted as usual. It was starting to sprinkle as we walked back. We had dinner in the hotel. We went to bed at 11:30 and it was still fairly bright light outside. According to the weather channel sunrise is at 3:03AM.
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