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Gallery: 1st 6 Months

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g1/62/14362/3/104247231.HklbEQ1r.jpg Kyle, 10/06/08
Kyle, 10/06/08
Diva in the Making.....
Diva in the Making.....
Do you Really Want to Know?
"Do you Really Want to Know?"
Another New Day!
Another New Day!
g1/62/14362/3/104247230.qYnBZ5t1.jpg g1/62/14362/3/104247274.oFGZyzLf.jpg Kaylie, 10/06/08
Kaylie, 10/06/08
The Kewpie Doll
The "Kewpie Doll"
Kaylie & Grandpa
Kaylie & Grandpa
Kyle & Grandpa
Kyle & Grandpa
g5/62/14362/3/106772128.9Oqi4KvV.jpg No, Really!?
No, Really!?
Kaylie, 12/24/08
Kaylie, 12/24/08
Kaylie & Kyle, The First 6 Months
Kaylie & Kyle, The First 6 Months
Hm-m-m-m....I'll think about it
"Hm-m-m-m....I'll think about it"