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Leslie Cohelan | all galleries >> Photo Art >> Selective Color > Sharing
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Re-work 2010

Canon EOS 20D
1/320s f/6.3 at 280.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
GP Merfeld16-Mar-2008 06:03
I'll always come back to this one... :~)
GP Merfeld26-Sep-2006 19:58
This one brings a giant smile every time I view it. One of my most favorite images of yours due to its simple yet wonderfully great feeling. And what a terrific card... Outstanding, my friend!
Guest 08-Sep-2006 11:24
I've never seent his one before - so sweet it makes me smile...
Yiannis Pavlis04-Nov-2005 12:15
excellent shot.a nice work on that photo.
Reflections by Ruth12-Aug-2005 01:22
this is soooo cute. love the selective color, nice choice.
Did you post this at PP? I keep thinking I've seen this posted before. Unless you post other places too under a different name?
Galina Stepanova04-Jun-2005 03:38
Cute picture, nice kind moment, great quality!
Marie-Hélène Raletz31-May-2005 04:52
You caught a perfect moment here, Leslie!
I notice you have a thing with very small animals (lol), humming birds and chihuahuas must not range very high on their respective species size scales!
The partial desaturation and the touches of colours make perfect sense here.
I love the contrast of textures, the softness of the wee dog's hair and the crispness of the ice.
The little fellow certainly seems to be enjoying his treat!