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Steve Orel | profile | all galleries >> Truck Stuff >> Intercooler tube tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Intercooler tube

OEM intercooler tube
OEM intercooler tube
Remove fenderwell liner for access
Remove fenderwell liner for access
Easy access after liner is removed
Easy access after liner is removed
Lots of room to work
Lots of room to work
Use a 13mm socket to loosen lower clamp
Use a 13mm socket to loosen lower clamp
This is the reason a PCV re-route is done! All that oil is sitting in the bottom of your intercooler!
This is the reason a PCV re-route is done! All that oil is sitting in the bottom of your intercooler!
Remove the resonator
Remove the resonator
Don't forget the clamp on the bottom
Don't forget the clamp on the bottom
Use you 13mm socket to remove the boot from the turbo (the Banks tube comes with a new upper boot)
Use you 13mm socket to remove the boot from the turbo (the Banks tube comes with a new upper boot)
Slide the tube out from the top
Slide the tube out from the top
A side by side comparison of the OEM and Banks tube
A side by side comparison of the OEM and Banks tube
The Banks tube carries the large diameter throughout the whole tube
The Banks tube carries the large diameter throughout the whole tube
Wipe off the turbo outlet and lower intercooler boot with acetone or cleaner to remove oil
Wipe off the turbo outlet and lower intercooler boot with acetone or cleaner to remove oil
New tube installed
New tube installed
View of new tube through fenderwell
View of new tube through fenderwell
Top view of tube
Top view of tube
This is what you will have left when done
This is what you will have left when done