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Sean Lensink | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Purgatory, AZ tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Purgatory, AZ

Purgatory, AZ - a Big Brain Pictures production. Shot in Superior, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ. Look for the release of Purgatory, AZ on the Internet Oct. 31 - stay tuned to WWW.PURGATORYAZ.COM for more details! I had the pleasure of hanging out on the set for a day and a half with a fantistic group of people. So Hello! to all the cast and crew - I can't wait to see the final cut!! Special shout-out to the director of photography, Darin Meyer - check him out at WWW.FIRSTLIGHTPICTURES.COM . And come check out my new site at WWW.SEANLENSINK.COM
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ
Purgatory, AZ