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Mount Rundle and alpenglow .The Vermilion Lakes are a series of three shallow interconnected lakes situated near the Banff townsite.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/50s f/6.3 at 16.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Russell Tunny17-Oct-2019 03:10
Lovely light and great composition. V!
GeneWard20-Mar-2018 02:53
Wonderful! V
vifut14-Mar-2018 07:52
The light and reflections are amazing (V)
Dan Greenberg14-Mar-2018 02:19
I love this composition with the lake leading the eye toward those wonderfully colored mountains and their reflections. Excellent as always. ~BV~
goelsamuel09-Mar-2018 03:34
Absolutely superb! V++
Carol E Sandgren08-Mar-2018 19:53
Absolutely stunning shot! I see the big thaw has started already. That sky is amazing!
John Hamers08-Mar-2018 18:37
Amazing capture of this landscape scene, beautiful light and color !!V
Martin Lamoon08-Mar-2018 17:12
Superb photography.
Neil Marcus08-Mar-2018 15:45
I have taken Mt Rundle pictures early morning and at sunset in May. This is tops!. VVV
danad08-Mar-2018 15:19
Wow ! Extraordinary ! BBV.
Nick Paoni08-Mar-2018 14:18
A stunning capture.
joseantonio08-Mar-2018 14:03
Love those beautiful tones.V.