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Metéora (Greece) - Metéora (Grecia)

The Metéora (Greek "suspended rock") is one of the largest and more important complexes of Eastern Othodox Monasteries in Greece, second only to Mount Athos. The six today existing monasteries are built on natural sandstone rock pillars, at the northwest edge of the Plain of Thessaly, The Metéora complex is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List (Wikipedia)
The rock pillars The rock pillars The Holy Monastery of St.Nicholas Anapausas The Holy Monastery of St.Nicholas Anapausas Waiting for sunset
The Holy Monastery of Rousanou The Holy Monastery of Rousanou The Holy Monastery of Rousanou The Holy Monastery of Rousanou grecia227p.jpg
The Holy Monastery of Varlam The Holy Monastery of ST.Stephen The Holy Monastery of ST.Stephen The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron
The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron
The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron