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Lennert Carlsen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Umaid singh india jaisalmer 20-Dec-2023 13:58
Hi call me
GRLpGpAG 21-Jul-2020 17:18
GRLpGpAG 21-Jul-2020 17:18
GRLpGpAG 21-Jul-2020 17:18
GRLpGpAG 21-Jul-2020 17:18
Umaid singh 07-Jun-2020 09:00
This is umaid from jaisalmer india .
I have been trying to contact you , but no leads so I put up this message here for you to contact me my number . 9509928332. Text me or contact me as soon you get this . Or contact me of you have any medium.
Guest 11-May-2018 11:09
Bh Mette Noe Darling
Guest 11-May-2018 11:08
Hej Lennert. Så skønt at læse artiklen i dag og se de mange gode fotos. Mange år siden jeg lagde øre til din musik. Vel rundt regnet 35 år 😁 de bedste hilsner Mette Mie Darling
Pia Engman 12-Sep-2014 10:30
Hej Lennert,
Skønt at se dine fotos på biblioteket i Helsingør, så mange år efter Gurrevej, det gjorde mig glad at vide hvad du laver. Jeg syntes rigtigt godt om pigen og koen samt den gamle kvinde med det hvide tørklæde, hver i sin ende af spektraet af sårbarhed og beauty. Imponerende i det hele taget. Hvis du er i området og har lyst til at drikke en kop kaffe i byen, så send mig en mail. De bedste hilsner Pia Engman
Ramesh Pannu 28-Sep-2012 06:05
Good Job Lennert! keep it up!
in your rajasthan tour, barmer citys pics aal of them.. you shot it very well fantastic job, whenever come to INDIA meet me. Please
Bernhard/Horda 25-Jan-2009 22:32
Hej Lennert, jag är väldigt imponerad. Hoppas ni stannar in framtiden i Horda och inte flyttar till hela världen.

Hälsning, dina grannar Bernhard och Anna 04-Jun-2006 12:41
Pretty good site. Nat
Guest 24-Oct-2005 14:23
hi, jatin here,

i have seen yr galleries, its really great. and mandvi kachchh photos i liked the most cause i am from mandvi. right now i am at DUBAI U.A.E . i also like photography and but dont know about camera .. so plz suggest me that which camera i have to buy.. plz contect me on Email Id

thanking u

waiting for yr reply

Mannix 19-May-2005 06:18
Your Sri Lankan pictures are awesome ! I would like you permission to use them in screensavers or print them out. Can you please contact me with the details ? Thanks.
Erin Wade 17-Feb-2005 18:16

I would like to request permission to use one of your photos. Would you please contact me with your email address and I will send you the full details?

Thank you

Erin Wade
The Chico Project
530 321-7599
Anna 09-Dec-2004 03:29
Hi Lennert,

I visited your galleries on pbase and found many of your pictures lovely.

I represent a developmental organization that works with SMEs in developing countries like India, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam etc. We help small-scale accommodation providers use the web and reach out to independent travellers. You may see one of our existing sites by visiting or, both of which were set up to help small guest houses to participate in the web. To know more about us, do visit

We are currently in the process of setting up an India website. We would love to use 1 of your pictures in this website.

Would you give us permission to use this, with due credit to you? We would appreciate your kind help. I look forward to hearing from you. (Or rather, I am anxious to hear from you and I hope this message will reach you...I dont have an email ID for you)

Kind regards,

Hodero07-Sep-2004 08:49
Lennert,you are one of the few Great Talents on Portraits on Pbase.!
Love your Galleries.! Greetings from Holland, .."H"