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Cedar Rapids Trip

I recently went to Cedar Rapids, IA and various nearby cities in Iowa and Illinois to meet and get to know relatives on my Dad's side of the family that I'd never met; uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. I spent 9 days in that area, seeing all sorts of things that had to do with my "roots". Here's some photos of my trip.
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A portion of Steve's basement floor in their home.  Wow!!!

A portion of Steve's basement floor in their home. Wow!!!

The mausoleum where Luman's first wife's ashes are inturned.  Since I'd never been in a mausoleum before, I took several pictures from inside.  I'm not morbid but thought it was a beautiful place.

The mausoleum where Luman's first wife's ashes are inturned. Since I'd never been in a mausoleum before, I took several pictures from inside. I'm not morbid but thought it was a beautiful place.

Wall where Luman's first wife has a drawer.

Wall where Luman's first wife has a "drawer".

Looking past a sculpture down a long hallway of cripts.

Looking past a sculpture down a long hallway of cripts.

A different wall of those who wanted the urns visible.

A different wall of those who wanted the urns visible.

Looking out a window of the mausoleum at part of the cemetary grounds that surround it.

Looking out a window of the mausoleum at part of the cemetary grounds that surround it.

Half of the crowd that came out to watch the steel drum band's concert in the park, despite the threat of rain, and it did start sprinkling part way thru the concert.

Half of the crowd that came out to watch the steel drum band's "concert in the park", despite the threat of rain, and it did start sprinkling part way thru the concert.

Most of the steel drum band.  Luman's granddaughter plays in the back dark area - other shots of her later that I went around back to take.

Most of the steel drum band. Luman's granddaughter plays in the back dark area - other shots of her later that I went around back to take.

Here's Michelle (Steve's daughter).  You only see 2 of the (really) 7 55-gallon drums that are set up in a semi-circle around her that she plays all of.  Each drum makes at least 3 different notes.

Here's Michelle (Steve's daughter). You only see 2 of the (really) 7 55-gallon drums that are set up in a semi-circle around her that she plays all of. Each drum makes at least 3 different notes.

Close up.

Close up.

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