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Birds of North America

United States and Canada
Ducks, geese, and swans
:: Ducks, geese, and swans ::
Upland game birds
:: Upland game birds ::
Loons, grebes
:: Loons, grebes ::
Albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters
:: Albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters ::
Tropicbirds, boobies, pelicans, cormorants, anhinga & frigatebirds
:: Tropicbirds, boobies, pelicans, cormorants, anhinga & frigatebirds ::
Wading birds
:: Wading birds ::
Diurnal raptors
:: Diurnal raptors ::
Rails, limpkins, cranes
:: Rails, limpkins, cranes ::
:: Shorebirds ::
Jaegers, gulls, terns, skimmers
:: Jaegers, gulls, terns, skimmers ::
:: Alcids ::
Pigeons and Doves
:: Pigeons and Doves ::
Cuckoos, roadrunners, and anis
:: Cuckoos, roadrunners, and anis ::
Owls and goatsuckers
:: Owls and goatsuckers ::
Hummingbirds and swifts
:: Hummingbirds and swifts ::
:: Kingfishers ::
:: Woodpeckers ::
:: Falcons ::
:: Parrots ::
:: Flycatchers ::
Vireos and Shrikes
:: Vireos and Shrikes ::
Jays, crows, and their allies
:: Jays, crows, and their allies ::
Larks and swallows
:: Larks and swallows ::
Chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, verdin, creeper
:: Chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, verdin, creeper ::
Wrens and wrentits
:: Wrens and wrentits ::
:: Dippers ::
Kinglets and Gnatcatchers
:: Kinglets and Gnatcatchers ::
Thrushes and mimids
:: Thrushes and mimids ::
Starlings, mynas, bulbuls
:: Starlings, mynas, bulbuls ::
Pipits, waxwings, Wheatears and Chats
:: Pipits, waxwings, Wheatears and Chats ::
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
:: Longspurs and Snow Buntings ::
:: Wood-warblers ::
:: Tanagers ::
Buntings, Grosbeaks and Allies
:: Buntings, Grosbeaks and Allies ::
Sparrows and juncos
:: Sparrows and juncos ::
Blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, orioles, meadowlarks
:: Blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, orioles, meadowlarks ::
Finches and Old World sparrows
:: Finches and Old World sparrows ::
Weavers and Estrildid Finches
:: Weavers and Estrildid Finches ::
Birds in action
:: Birds in action ::
Groups of Birds
:: Groups of Birds ::
Comparisons of birds
:: Comparisons of birds ::
Birds--other aspects
:: Birds--other aspects ::