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Courtney 2-163

Courtney and her sister Meagan are back for more pictures this weekend. We have decided that we don't
like this background much, so we'll try again tomorrow!

See more new pictures of Courtney here

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D AF
1/250s f/8.0 at 85.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 30-Jul-2005 10:58
great model and light....agree with the bg.
Bob Smith30-Jul-2005 05:31
The background was fighting against us all evening. And, I was having lighting issues. I
think we are going back to a plain black background tomorrow, or plain white. We did get
some decent test shots tonight though.
Dan Chusid30-Jul-2005 05:10
I agree, you can find a better background for this.