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John Barreiro | all galleries >> Photos of Mexico >> Tlacotalpan - Estado de Veracruz, Mexico >> Avenida Cházaro > Charázo - 14
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Charázo - 14

Tlacotalpan - Estado de Veracruz, Mexico

Canon EOS 350D , EF 17-40 f/4L USM

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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cits_4_pets16-Sep-2019 02:38
Beautifully composed image! Love how the arch frames the bird and window with the warm light. Love the repetition columns and arches on building on the right side. Nice light and colors.
Marisa Livet14-Sep-2019 15:46
I really love this photo!
Ken Zaret17-Mar-2014 23:50
Agree with all the other comments, soft but rich tones, and the person walking adds just the right touch.
Dan Greenberg13-Feb-2013 04:57
Stunning! So much to look at, so well done, perfectly framed and captured. ~VVV~
Denise J T Lee03-Nov-2012 18:42
This photo caught my eyes in a split second. Extraordinary composition and colours. Really fantastic ! ~V~