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The World According to Winnie-the-Pooh

I have been reading the Pooh books for decades, and the older I get, the more I find them full of wisdom! Pooh continues to fascinate young and old alike, with his quirky take on the world. Long may Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and all the other denizens of the 100 Acre Wood, survive.

A.A, Milne (1882-1956)created these stories for his son Christopher Robin, never dreaming that they would become so hugely popular, entertaining generations of children and adults alike. And let us not forget the classic illustrations by Ernest Shepherd (1879-1976), which for me exemplify the characters populating the wonderful books.

On Monday...
On Monday...
Down from the forest
Down from the forest
Hostile intent
Hostile intent
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody
Planting a honeycomb
"Planting a honeycomb"
Anybody home?
Anybody home?
When I left it this morning it was there, and when I came back it wasn't.
"When I left it this morning it was there, and when I came back it wasn't."
Stoutness Exercises
Stoutness Exercises
It's snowing still...
"It's snowing still..."
There is no hurry...
"There is no hurry..."
That hole means Rabbit...
"That hole means Rabbit..."
The more it SNOWS
The more it SNOWS
No earthquakes lately
No earthquakes lately
Go away,  I'm thinking
Go away, I'm thinking
I thought you were out
I thought you were out
No brain
No brain
Getting thin
Getting thin
Wobbly spelling
Wobbly spelling
A little smackerel of something
A little smackerel of something
Measles and Buttered Toast
Measles and Buttered Toast
How to spell birthday
How to spell birthday
Very Small Beetle
Very Small Beetle
Unless it's a fish
Unless it's a fish
Piglet's nose
Piglet's nose
A bunch of violets
A bunch of violets
Funny things, Accidents
Funny things, Accidents
Seeing Piglet
Seeing Piglet
The reason for bees
The reason for bees
Enjoy yourself
Enjoy yourself
Fierce Heffalumps
Fierce Heffalumps
Owl's house
Owl's house
The sun was so delightfully warm
The sun was so delightfully warm
A Thoughtful Spot
A Thoughtful Spot
Eeyore's house
Eeyore's house
An Expotition
An Expotition
A  woozle
A woozle
he's out, said pooh
he's out, said pooh
What would I do if it wasn't for you?
What would I do if it wasn't for you?
Rather beneath Owl
Rather beneath Owl
I just wanted to be sure of you.
"I just wanted to be sure of you."
Everything looks the same in a mist
Everything looks the same in a mist
Hallo, Rabbit, is that you?
"Hallo, Rabbit, is that you?"
You never can tell with bees....
You never can tell with bees....
Supposing a tree fell down...
Supposing a tree fell down...
You never can tell with paw-marks
You never can tell with paw-marks
That buzzing noise means something...
"That buzzing noise means something..."
The three foxes
"The three foxes"