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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Bees, Wasps, Sawflies and Ants (Hymenoptera) (22 Sub-galleries) >> Sawflies (Suborder Symphyta) (11 galleries) >> Cimbicid Sawflies > Elm sawfly (Cimbex americanus)
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31-Aug-2022 Christine Hanrahan

Elm sawfly (Cimbex americanus)

Larose Forest

For the August Challenge -"It Caught My Eye".

This is the larva of the Elm Sawfly, a stingless wasp. These larvae can be found shades of yellow, green, pink, and this shade.

Panasonic DMC-FZ2000
1/125s f/3.2 at 8.8mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mieke WA Minkjan04-Sep-2022 09:27
wow, very impressive V
Hank Vander Velde02-Sep-2022 00:09
Nice find and beautiful sharp macro image Christine.
Allan Jay01-Sep-2022 20:30
Love the sherbet shade of colour!
Nirvan Hope01-Sep-2022 16:16
Fascinating how it's all curled up like the spiral of a shell. Such a pretty little thing.
Danad01-Sep-2022 15:12
A beautiful and interesting image !
pkocinski01-Sep-2022 11:47
Cool capture!
Pierre Martin01-Sep-2022 10:47
splendid close-up, like is orange color!
Borisalex01-Sep-2022 07:32
It´s certainly an eye catcher! Great find and shot! V
Liz Bickel01-Sep-2022 05:13
In your pretty image, it looks more like a sugared piece of candy than a larva. Outstanding capture!
Helen Betts01-Sep-2022 04:00
Fine shot of this pretty caterpillar. From the thumbnail I never would have guessed what it was. V.
Don Mottershead01-Sep-2022 03:43
That stripe is amazing.
joseantonio01-Sep-2022 03:10
what a great find nicely captured.V.
Carl Carbone01-Sep-2022 02:20
A cool find for sure and a great shot of it!
carol j. phipps01-Sep-2022 02:16
Beautiful pov, light, and detail. V
Dennis Hoyne01-Sep-2022 01:58
Such an interesting and beautiful larva! Nice find.
globalgadabout01-Sep-2022 01:34
looks like a gummy candy, sugar crystals and all, although shaped more like a snail than a bear...fascinating to see so closely in your delectable image..
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