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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Beetles (Coleoptera) (58 Galleries) >> Fireflies (Lampyridae) > Firefly (Pollaclasis bifaria)
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06-Jul-2019 Christine Hanrahan

Firefly (Pollaclasis bifaria)

Masham, Quebec

Panasonic LUMIX FZ200
1/60s f/2.8 at 6.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jim Coffman13-Jul-2019 02:40
Super sharp detail!
globalgadabout13-Jul-2019 01:52
always had a burning desire to see one when it is not just a glow in the dark....good one Christine
Dennis Hoyne13-Jul-2019 01:41
Wonderful detail in this gorgeous little firefly!
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