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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Beetles (Coleoptera) (58 Galleries) >> Silken Fungus Beetles (Family: Cryptophagidae) > Silken fungus beetle (Antherophagus sp.)
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27-JUNE-2018 Christine Hanrahan

Silken fungus beetle (Antherophagus sp.)

Ottawa West

Crawling over thistle flowers.
Thanks to Boris B. at iNaturalist for ID.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer02-Nov-2019 18:35
Excellent close up and detail of this little guy. V
Graeme11-Dec-2018 23:16
A superb closeup of this pretty beetle.V!!
Pierre10-Dec-2018 21:48
Une belle trouvaille magnifiquement captée et très détaillée! V
Hank Vander Velde08-Dec-2018 00:24
Nice sharp close-up of it in a nice setting Christine.
globalgadabout08-Dec-2018 00:14
love that tan colour, and the setting is an additional treat..
PauloCGama07-Dec-2018 23:21
Nicely composed and beautiful details. v
hayl07-Dec-2018 22:52
The thistle flowers are just as interesting as the beetle - great photo.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Dec-2018 22:05
Great work,well done.Vote
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