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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Beetles (Coleoptera) (58 Galleries) >> Fireflies (Lampyridae) > Winter firefly adult and larva (Ellychnia corrusca)
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03-APR-2011 Christine Hanrahan

Winter firefly adult and larva (Ellychnia corrusca)

I'd been hoping to find some of the overwintering butterflies today, but it was not to be. However, I did see quite a few of the Smaller Milkweed Bugs (which overwinter as adults), some midges and other flies, micromoths, and several of these guys, the Winter Firefly, on trees. The adult is on the left of this image, and the larva is on the right. The larvae of this species, like most firefly larvae, 'light up' at night. The adult, however, in this particular species does not emit light. Fireflies, by the way, are not flies (as you can probably tell!), but are beetles. A very misleading name for them.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 07-Apr-2011 12:32
Do they overwinter both as adults and larvae? Or have some of the larvae already pupated and become adults? I remember seeing pupating Winter Fireflies in spring a couple of years ago with you Christine.
Stephanie04-Apr-2011 13:30
Superb captures and information Christine! V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)04-Apr-2011 03:11
Amazing shots of the stages of life. V
Hank Vander Velde04-Apr-2011 02:43
Super find, images and info Christine. I learned something again. Thanks for sharing.
Jean D04-Apr-2011 02:18
Excellent captures, Christine. ~V
Inga Morozoff04-Apr-2011 02:09
Where are you finding these critters? Under rocks and such?
Carl Carbone04-Apr-2011 02:04
How cool! I would have never known the juvie. :-) V
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