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LaRene Gaunt | profile | all galleries >> Reflections in Glass and Water >> The Wonderful World of Window Reflections tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Wonderful World of Window Reflections

Reflections of Knowledge
Reflections of Knowledge
Birdcage in the Window
Birdcage in the Window
68 East
68 East
Bluebird in an Artist's Front Yard
Bluebird in an Artist's Front Yard
Busy Street
Busy Street
Golden Truck, Clear Glass, and Golden Lights
Golden Truck, Clear Glass, and Golden Lights
Restaurant Reflections
Restaurant Reflections
Downtown Salt Lake City
Downtown Salt Lake City
Carry, Car, and Coach
Carry, Car, and Coach
Five Star in the Snow
Five Star in the Snow
Afternoon Light on South Temple Street
Afternoon Light on South Temple Street
Lion House and the Church Administration Building
Lion House and the Church Administration Building
Euclid's Paradox
Euclid's Paradox