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The Elephant Conservation Center-Sayaboury-Laos
 Toe Tappin' to Tamworth
::  Toe Tappin' to Tamworth ::
 Royal Tennis-Hobart-Tasmania
::  Royal Tennis-Hobart-Tasmania ::
For Sail-Bareboating in The Whitsundays-Queensland-Australia
:: For Sail-Bareboating in The Whitsundays-Queensland-Australia ::
 The Elephant Festival-Sayaboury. Laos
::  The Elephant Festival-Sayaboury. Laos ::
Odgers and McClelland Exchange Store-Nundle
:: Odgers and McClelland Exchange Store-Nundle ::
 Random images from good times on the road.
::  Random images from good times on the road. ::
 ElefantAsia-Walking with Elephants-Laos
::  ElefantAsia-Walking with Elephants-Laos ::
Laos-Pachyderms and People-a five week journey.
:: Laos-Pachyderms and People-a five week journey. ::
Australian Seabird Rescue-Recue,Rehabilitate and Release-
:: Australian Seabird Rescue-Recue,Rehabilitate and Release- ::
Australian Surfboat Racing. Beaches, Boats,Birds,Blokes and Bruises .
:: Australian Surfboat Racing. Beaches, Boats,Birds,Blokes and Bruises . ::
Austrlalian Seabirds-Feathered Fantasies.
:: Austrlalian Seabirds-Feathered Fantasies. ::
Snapshots of Kuala Lumpur
:: Snapshots of Kuala Lumpur ::
Yamba-Australias favourite small town.
:: Yamba-Australias favourite small town. ::
Somalia. Famine and Fear.
:: Somalia. Famine and Fear. ::
Murder and Mayhem in Paradise.Timor Leste.
:: Murder and Mayhem in Paradise.Timor Leste. ::
Strike it Lucky in the gemfields of Queensland, Australia
:: "Strike it Lucky" in the gemfields of Queensland, Australia ::
Longreach Queensland-The Edge of the Outback
:: Longreach Queensland-The Edge of the Outback ::
Whip Fighting- A uniquely Australian method of Stress Relief.
:: Whip Fighting- A uniquely Australian method of Stress Relief. ::
Tear Sheets
:: Tear Sheets ::
Cat Crap Coffee-Kopi Luwak.  Australias-maybe The Worlds- most expensive cup of coffee.
:: Cat Crap Coffee-Kopi Luwak. Australias-maybe The Worlds- most expensive cup of coffee. ::
Dr Who?-Peters Time Machine.
:: Dr Who?-Peters Time Machine. ::
Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort - Moreton Island-Queensland. Australia
:: Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort - Moreton Island-Queensland. Australia ::
Mini Mokes go Magnetic Island-Queensland-Australia
:: Mini Mokes go Magnetic Island-Queensland-Australia ::
Surfing The Coldstream-Fringe Arts and Street Theatre Festival
:: Surfing The Coldstream-Fringe Arts and Street Theatre Festival ::
Lao People, Lao Food and Lao Life.
:: Lao People, Lao Food and Lao Life. ::
Oldies but Goodies
:: Oldies but Goodies ::
Australian Wild Birds
:: Australian Wild Birds ::
QANTAS Founders Museum-Longreach-Qld. Australia
:: QANTAS Founders Museum-Longreach-Qld. Australia ::
Macau- Island of Surprises
:: Macau- Island of Surprises ::
Two Huts-The Dingo Dam Cottage and Gorge View Lodge
:: Two Huts-The Dingo Dam Cottage and Gorge View Lodge ::
Vital Veitnam. Saigon,My Tho,Can Tho and  Mekong Magic-A brief visit.
:: Vital Veitnam. Saigon,My Tho,Can Tho and Mekong Magic-A brief visit. ::
Siem Reap/Angkor Wat/Phnom Penh-Cambodia
:: Siem Reap/Angkor Wat/Phnom Penh-Cambodia ::
Colourful Cambodia-In Black and White
:: Colourful Cambodia-In Black and White ::
Vietnam Revisited. Hue to Quang Binh.
:: Vietnam Revisited. Hue to Quang Binh. ::
 SHOW BIZ>>>The RM Williams Outback Spectacular.
::  SHOW BIZ>>>The RM Williams Outback Spectacular. ::
 Kingfisher Bay Resort-Great Sandy Straights. Queensland-Australia
::  Kingfisher Bay Resort-Great Sandy Straights. Queensland-Australia ::
 Something Fishy-Underwater World-Mooloolabah- Sunshine  Coast-Qld-Australia
::  Something Fishy-Underwater World-Mooloolabah- Sunshine Coast-Qld-Australia ::
 The Eye of the Tiger-AUSTRALIA ZOO-Queensland Australia
::  The Eye of the Tiger-AUSTRALIA ZOO-Queensland Australia ::
Kingfisher Bay Resort-Fraser Island-Queensland -Australia
:: Kingfisher Bay Resort-Fraser Island-Queensland -Australia ::
The Elephant Conservation Center-Sayaboury. Laos
:: The Elephant Conservation Center-Sayaboury. Laos ::
The Elephant Conservation Centre-Sayaboury.Laos PDR
:: The Elephant Conservation Centre-Sayaboury.Laos PDR ::
Faces of Asia-Laos. Cambodia.Vietnam. Macau
:: Faces of Asia-Laos. Cambodia.Vietnam. Macau ::
The Mekong Delta- Viet Nam-My Tho and Can Tho
:: The Mekong Delta- Viet Nam-My Tho and Can Tho ::