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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> 22 Overseas Trips >> Easter Island 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Easter Island 2012

We had two full days on Easter Island after the afternoon of our arrival and a couple of hours on the morning of our departure day. That's about the right amount of time for a pair of oldies to spend on the island. We had a conducted tour in a minibus one day, driven by a lovely local guide and in the company of an American couple, and then we hired a car to fill in the gaps left by the tour. Warning: There is a 40 Km/hr speed limit, but apart from on the main road, you couldn't go that fast anyway: rocks, ruts, potholes, and wandering horses.
Local fish?
Local fish?
Ahu Vaihu
Ahu Vaihu
Guarding the fallen moai
Guarding the fallen moai
At the foot of Ahu Vaihu
At the foot of Ahu Vaihu
On the wall of an ahu
On the wall of an ahu
Petroglyphs on a hat
Petroglyphs on a "hat"
Frances and Ellen
Frances and Ellen
House foundations
House foundations
Our guide on a one-day tour
Our guide on a one-day tour
Fallen moai
Fallen moai
Fallen moai
Fallen moai
Fallen moai face up, and our guide
Fallen moai face up, and our guide
.... a shattered visage lies .....
".... a shattered visage lies ....."
Remains of a Rapa Nui building
Remains of a Rapa Nui building
Solitary moai, quarry site in the background
Solitary moai, quarry site in the background
Tongariki – 1
Tongariki – 1
Rano Raraku - where they all came from
Rano Raraku - where they all came from
Tongariki – 2
Tongariki – 2
Tongariki – 3
Tongariki – 3
Tongariki – 4
Tongariki – 4
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
Distant view of Tongariki
Distant view of Tongariki
Moai near the quarry
Moai near the quarry
A Special Stone
A Special Stone
Unidentified flower
Unidentified flower
Crater of Volcano Raro Kau
Crater of Volcano Raro Kau
A busload of tourists
A busload of tourists
Broken wall of Raro Kau
Broken wall of Raro Kau
Island where the sooty tern's egg was sought
Island where the sooty tern's egg was sought
Restored beehive houses
Restored "beehive houses"
Restored beehive houses
Restored "beehive houses"
Where the crater meets the sea
Where the crater meets the sea
Moyo Nui, Motu Iti, Motu Kai Kai
Moyo Nui, Motu Iti, Motu Kai Kai
Floor of the Raro Kau crater
Floor of the Raro Kau crater
Broken moai
Broken moai
Hanga Roa Cemetery – 1
Hanga Roa Cemetery – 1
Hanga Roa Cemetery – 2
Hanga Roa Cemetery – 2
Boat-shaped house foundation
Boat-shaped house foundation
Models of the boats that brought the first settlers
Models of the boats that brought the first settlers
Models of the boats that brought the first settlers
Models of the boats that brought the first settlers