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Paul Dudley | all galleries >> 28 Australian trips >> 2006 Outback Trip (12 galleries) >> Album 7: Marree and the Oodnadatta Track > Algebuckina Bridge
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16-Jul-2006 Paul Dudley

Algebuckina Bridge

Oodnadatta Track, South Australia view map

I took this picture through a steel grid meant to stop the adventurous from walking
across the remaining sleepers, or taking them for firewood. A skinny person could
get past; a figure in the middle distance would improve the picture, I suppose.

Minolta DiMAGE A1
1/60s f/11.0 at 7.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 07:15
Well done on your "special mention" in the competition. I didn't get to this bridge on our central australia trip although we did get to Cudmimurka Siding. Here's a link to info about the railway line for general interest . Voted and regards, Barry
Guest 29-Sep-2007 17:47
Wonderful perspective great shot!
Barry S Moore24-Sep-2007 07:08
Brilliant picture. ~V~