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Lamar Nix | all galleries >> Landscapes >> Black & White > Live Oak Array
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Live Oak Array

Best viewed in "Original size".

Canon EOS 20D
Camera body converted to IR full exif

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Coleen Perilloux Landry23-Feb-2013 16:11
Oak Alley?
Jean D22-Feb-2013 02:09
Beautiful southerly image with lovely moss and superb selective light, Lamar. ~V
Marcia Rules22-Feb-2013 00:05
the harmony of light and dark here is so artistic Lamar ~V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Feb-2013 21:57
Excellent work, Voted.
Jean Chiasson21-Feb-2013 19:37
Wow fantastic Black & White image big vote
bill friedlander21-Feb-2013 19:36
Wonderful composition and the tons are great!Impressive canopy formed by the branches! V
Tom LeRoy21-Feb-2013 16:35
Wonderful in IR. The oaks are fabulous , great perspective and tones. V
janescottcumming21-Feb-2013 16:21
That Spanish Moss is so cool looking. I love how you can see the branches through it. A terrific photograph! V
Walter Otto Koenig21-Feb-2013 15:52
A perfect subject for IR. I like the perspective, lighting and shadows. The tones of the moss are wonderful. "V"
globalgadabout21-Feb-2013 15:51
love the languorous curves and the cascade of on comp too..V
Giancarlo Guzzardi21-Feb-2013 14:58
what a beautiful boulevard
Jim Coffman21-Feb-2013 14:11
I love the Spanish moss on the Old oaks!!!
J Ponces21-Feb-2013 13:29
What a most amazing place! And a fabulously well achieved photograph! Bv
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