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Lamar Nix

1-2-3-4 Hornets

Boeing F/A E & F Super Hornets from the Navy Blue Angel Team at 2011 Beaufort MCAS Air Show.

Canon EOS 7D ,EF 100-400 mm L f/4.5

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean D07-May-2018 03:51
Terrific capture of this high speed formation. ~V
bill friedlander09-Apr-2018 19:22
These pilots are very special people, and your shot is superb. V
Milan Vogrin09-May-2011 06:48
munir07-May-2011 18:20
Beautiful shot
Irene Wehrli03-May-2011 08:12
1,2,3 - unbelievable - I love this formation Lamar, these pilots fly at breakneck speed, fantastic shot!
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