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Lamar Nix | all galleries >> Low Country >> Low Country Scenery > Sunset on the Creek
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Sunset on the Creek

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Kim13-Jun-2009 17:34
A beautiful view! V
Milan Vogrin12-Jun-2009 19:43
Great scene!V!
globalgadabout20-Dec-2008 14:21
sumptuous lush and peaceful scene...very effective framing as the vector of the sun's light crosses that of the river...that criss-cross echoed in the lovely sky...big vote
IMRAN HAFEEZ18-Dec-2008 21:06
beautiful and very natural very lovely colors
Carol Rollins13-Dec-2008 23:54
Excellent composition for an absolutely stunning image Lamar. CB
Steve Morris13-Dec-2008 17:36
This shot has everything - great framing, drama, lovely star shaped sun and mood in spades!!! Big vote!
Jim Coffman13-Dec-2008 14:36
Lamar, as always, a great scenic of the low lands.The soft colors and the composition really make this pop. V
Andrew13-Dec-2008 14:18 that little patch of light upon the tree, Lamar. Nice starburst effect and warm reflected cloud too. As always...and thankfully I might add...the calm and serene views from you. Well done, sir. -V-
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