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Lamaki Chihuahua's Pictures

Click on the small pictures to see a larger version of the same picture. The large pictures includes some details of the Chihuahua shown. If you wish to contact me directly, please email me at and use the subject line "Chihuahuas." I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you wish to see pedigrees, please email me.
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Mojo 13.5 weeks old
Mojo 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Buttercup 13.5 weeks old
Father Marty
Father Marty
Mother Blossom
Mother Blossom
Mojo 8.5 weeks old
Mojo 8.5 weeks old
Mojo 8.5 weeks old
Mojo 8.5 weeks old
Buttercup 8.5 weeks old
Buttercup 8.5 weeks old
Asuka at Hilo Resting up for the Next Show
Asuka at Hilo Resting up for the Next Show
Allie at Hilo
Allie at Hilo
Asuka before Hilo
Asuka before Hilo
White Girl 7 Weeks Old
White Girl 7 Weeks Old
Cream Girl 7 weeks old
Cream Girl 7 weeks old
White Boy 7 weeks old
White Boy 7 weeks old
Dark Cream Girl 7 weeks old
Dark Cream Girl 7 weeks old
Lil Elf
Lil Elf
White Girl 4 Weeks Plus 2 Days Old
White Girl 4 Weeks Plus 2 Days Old
Cream Girl
Cream Girl
White Boy
White Boy
Dark Cream Girl
Dark Cream Girl
Squeaks 11 years old
Squeaks 11 years old
Indy gaiting nicely
Indy gaiting nicely
Taser at the National
Taser at the National
Marty and Joan
Marty and Joan
g9/35/294935/3/153905541.VTvKmtWi.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905533.oDD707Ph.jpg Squeaks at 10 years old
Squeaks at 10 years old
g9/35/294935/3/153905531.chCdQP6G.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905526.xTW7GtOP.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905527.keXcJ5Kf.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905528.zXky09kb.jpg
g9/35/294935/3/153905529.BGGuDJNe.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905530.MmdPvfry.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905532.hITmrpqV.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905534.b0PAmrqI.jpg
g9/35/294935/3/153905535.ZuRrdKPl.jpg g9/35/294935/3/153905536.5QfzcV7I.jpg Squeaks is looking so good!
Squeaks is looking so good!
Christmas Babes
Christmas Babes
Taser and Mia's Baby
Taser and Mia's Baby
Katie @ 16 months
Katie @ 16 months
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