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Clint's Graduation

University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Nursing
May 13, May 15, and May 16, 2010
Click on the picture in the gallery to enlarge it.
Graduation School of Nursing Recognition Ceremony May 13, 2010
Graduation School of Nursing Recognition Ceremony May 13, 2010
Clint's name on left middle
Clint's name on left middle
g3/35/294935/3/124545530.cdI0fQPR.jpg Back of program
Back of program
Before program began
Before program began
g3/35/294935/3/124545410.z5BXv2I4.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124545411.P8ehrhCC.jpg Faculty and Honored Guests
Faculty and Honored Guests
Clint Middle of Picture in the 4th row Aisle seat
Clint Middle of Picture in the 4th row Aisle seat
g3/35/294935/3/124545414.Gyt0w15T.jpg Dental Hygenists on left, Nursing students in Middle
Dental Hygenists on left, Nursing students in Middle
g3/35/294935/3/124545417.6Qa4kmsc.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124545418.pn0LXpTO.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124545419.3gDeLpWt.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124545420.5W0kfJjK.jpg
g3/35/294935/3/124545421.95wJ9giv.jpg Dean of School
Dean of School
State Dept. of Health Director, Ms. Fukino, Keynote Speaker
State Dept. of Health Director, Ms. Fukino, Keynote Speaker
Dean presents certificate to Clint
Dean presents certificate to Clint
Family gives the lei with the pin
Family gives the lei with the pin
Picture taking
Picture taking
g3/35/294935/3/124545427.37UU2Mew.jpg Students proceed off the stage
Students proceed off the stage
g3/35/294935/3/124545429.GbTbbzp8.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124545522.ty9Z8Da0.jpg Amber and Clint
Amber and Clint
Proud Parents
Proud Parents
g3/35/294935/3/124545430.1735IGK2.jpg UH Nursing School Pin
UH Nursing School Pin
g3/35/294935/3/124545525.xjTi9UMO.jpg UH Graduation Ceremony May 15, 2010
UH Graduation Ceremony May 15, 2010
Clint in Middle of Focused Picture
Clint in Middle of Focused Picture
Chancellors, etc.
Chancellors, etc.
Prayer and Chant
Prayer and Chant
g3/35/294935/3/124615208.v6UmxzjD.jpg Stage Area
Stage Area
Keynote Speaker-Maya Soetoro-Ng
Keynote Speaker-Maya Soetoro-Ng
Going to Get Diploma
Going to Get Diploma
Clint in Middle of Focus
Clint in Middle of Focus
g3/35/294935/3/124615216.8l8Ihz01.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615217.cHnNeLrG.jpg
g3/35/294935/3/124615218.by2oJpE8.jpg Clint coming up to Stage to Get Diploma
Clint coming up to Stage to Get Diploma
g3/35/294935/3/124615221.xw4XfNWE.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615223.oQmzicN6.jpg
Walking back to seat
Walking back to seat
g3/35/294935/3/124615227.GdasKw64.jpg Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Grandma and Aunty Jean
Grandma and Aunty Jean
Uncle Roy and Aunty Wendi
Uncle Roy and Aunty Wendi
Jerm and his Mom
Jerm and his Mom
Clint and Amber
Clint and Amber
g3/35/294935/3/124615586.zcdHWPUj.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615588.QHu5w1PI.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615590.q4IfqwuK.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615592.erPnZuBk.jpg
g3/35/294935/3/124615594.2QsLLFNI.jpg Maruishis
g3/35/294935/3/124615598.mKYyVqCA.jpg GB
It was hot!
It was hot!
g3/35/294935/3/124615603.n7gCJvlF.jpg Eric, Reid M, Jerm, Reid T, Clint Friends from Elem, High School, College
Eric, Reid M, Jerm, Reid T, Clint Friends from Elem, High School, College
g3/35/294935/3/124615609.lQFX5f10.jpg g3/35/294935/3/124615611.DSCDH6IU.jpg Party Time!
Party Time!
Aunty Cathy and Grandma
Aunty Cathy and Grandma
Uncle Mark, cousins, Aunty Jean
Uncle Mark, cousins, Aunty Jean
Uncle Roy, cousins and Aunty Wendi
Uncle Roy, cousins and Aunty Wendi
Favor Message
Favor Message
Favors for his Party
Favors for his Party