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Still trying to fight chest, throat, sinus infection & asthma to boot but since a lot of you have had similar or worse I'm sure you will commiserate & understand todays halfhearted PaD attempt.
Could be worse though, I could be standing neck deep in snow like a lot of you northerners are...!!

This was going to be my pad but considered the boys here :>)

A touch of sunshine yellow from this toughie

Nikon Coolpix 4300
1/430s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dominic Kite26-Jan-2005 13:49
Thank-you! The butterfly worked for me.
Argishti Khachik26-Jan-2005 12:14
WOW! again great work here! I missed so much nice shots lately!
Very well done!
Lori Rolfe26-Jan-2005 12:06
all 3 of these images are great..... I love the butterfly image.... it's almost suggestive of monotone with a colored background...nice capture
Guest 26-Jan-2005 07:45
John Finlayson25-Jan-2005 23:13
Nicely captured !
Guest 25-Jan-2005 22:09
Good one!
Wenche Aune25-Jan-2005 17:34
Karen Stuebing25-Jan-2005 10:49
What a pretty little butterfly. Hope you feel better soon.
Guest 25-Jan-2005 08:05
Cindy25-Jan-2005 05:06
This is beautiful Laine and heck girl, your better than me, I was sick Saturday and didn't get a picture, shoot, now I feel like a wimp. :-) I hope you get back to yourself soon. Are you on any antibiotics??
Karen Leaf25-Jan-2005 04:47
Great shot! Esp since you're feeling crummy. Get better, soon.
Elaine (etfitz)25-Jan-2005 03:12
Beautiful butterfly! Hope you feel better!
Carmen25-Jan-2005 02:55
Cool shot -- quite a pretty little fellow. Great DoF. Hope you're feeling better -- with all the pills available today I usually still try and tough it out; the cure is often worse than the disease!
northstar3725-Jan-2005 02:07
A hot toddy is needed! Butterflies fly off when they see me.
Guest 25-Jan-2005 01:25
Great pose you caught, and nice macro too.
Paul Dovie Jr25-Jan-2005 00:39
I noticed the focal length was 8 mm. Sure were able to get up close. Great photo.
Pepe Zyman25-Jan-2005 00:36
Nice close-up!
Get well!
Guest 24-Jan-2005 23:57
I can sympathise with you! You still managed a nice shot of this butterfly though.
Yvonne24-Jan-2005 23:33
You amaze me with your butterfly shots - this is a beauty! Take care with
that sound worse than you were :(
Guest 24-Jan-2005 23:26
that butterfly looks like it is enjoying the sun. Catching colds
and flu in the summer should be banned, don't you think? ;) hope
you are on the mend soon.
Guest 24-Jan-2005 22:39
Laine, this is a neat photo with the long curved edge of
the bird bath and the little butterfly. I think you need a hot tottie!
Take care.
jypsee24-Jan-2005 22:31
Stunning, Laine...
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Jan-2005 22:29
This is lovely. Lots of rest will help you get better (I rested for 23 days til I thought I was all rested out, but am still wheezing).
Robin Reid24-Jan-2005 22:21
Very nice closeup. Feel better soon.
Guest 24-Jan-2005 22:11
Super macro, hope you're better soon.
Gilles Navet24-Jan-2005 21:54
Great confrontation of tones here and great composition
Accuracy on Butterfly
nice pic
Stu24-Jan-2005 21:18
Lovely, Laine
Zak24-Jan-2005 20:57
you have all kinds of visitors to your garden! heheh
hope you get well soon...
Guest 24-Jan-2005 20:54
Good detail, I cant wait for spring!
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