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It's Dandy

I believe it should be rebranded...drop the word weed. :)

Apple iPhone 8 Plus
1/500s f/1.8 at 4.0mm iso20 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real14-Mar-2024 22:34
I love this little yellow beauty!
Zoltán Balogh15-Feb-2023 08:16
Fabulous photograph! V
Jola Dziubinska25-Oct-2022 23:54
Lovely yellow flower in the fields of green. V.
bill friedlander25-Oct-2022 00:38
It is very pretty. I like it. V
Doug Cruden23-Oct-2022 12:38
Beautiful! Love that gorgeous splash of yellow
Johnny JAG22-Oct-2022 20:57
You're not lion, it's a great colour.
Dennis Hoyne22-Oct-2022 20:27
Perfect for the change of season, a lovely flower image.
larose forest photos22-Oct-2022 19:35
I agree! Love that bright yellow in your spring landscape. V
marie-jose wolff22-Oct-2022 19:19
pretty yellow flower, beautiful details! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos22-Oct-2022 17:41
Beautiful colors and tones. v
janescottcumming22-Oct-2022 14:46
It's a beautiful cheerful yellow.
joseantonio22-Oct-2022 07:11
love that contrast of yellow.V.
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