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Coral Salvia

This great little self seeding salvia gives a colourful display year round.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov03-Mar-2024 07:13
Nice! V
bill friedlander20-Oct-2022 00:48
Yes, the colors are lovely and the drops add a sparkle. V
Zoltán Balogh15-Oct-2022 04:48
Wonderfully composed, gorgeous image! V
janescottcumming10-Oct-2022 22:17
Lovely colors on this flower. The droplets only enhance it.
Buz Kiefer10-Oct-2022 21:25
Lovely colors and spot on depth of field. Excellent. BV
Doug Cruden10-Oct-2022 18:54
Beautiful, especially with the water droplets
marie-jose wolff10-Oct-2022 12:22
very nice tones of red! V
Dave Petersen Photography09-Oct-2022 16:34
Wonderful colors in this elegant and well composed capture. The rain drops convey a fresh and inviting feeling. V+
Apostolos Tikopoulos09-Oct-2022 16:31
Amazing colors and tones. V
Jeff Real09-Oct-2022 12:39
This is so pretty!
It will male any day brighter!
Johnny JAG09-Oct-2022 11:33
Beautiful colour
Faye White09-Oct-2022 10:59
What a gorgeous color!
Chris09-Oct-2022 08:14
Displayed with raindrops too, so pretty.
Fong Lam09-Oct-2022 03:57
Such pretty flowers with gorgeous colors and looking fresh with those droplets....V
joseantonio09-Oct-2022 03:23
looks so lovely Great capture.V.
larose forest photos09-Oct-2022 00:18
Gorgeous photo of a beautiful plant. It would be lovely to have this self-seeding in a garden. V
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