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laine | all galleries >> Galleries >> florals > Hibiscus Heterophyllus AKA Native Rosella
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Hibiscus Heterophyllus AKA Native Rosella

I only love it from is always covered in hibiscus beetle.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov03-Mar-2024 07:13
Wow! V
bill friedlander14-Feb-2023 21:36
A delicate beauty perfectly captured. V
Sarah Rehfeldt28-Oct-2022 22:01
The light brings out the lines so perfectly!
Mieke WA Minkjan07-Oct-2022 11:44
beautifully Laine, you captured the fragility very well V
marie-jose wolff06-Oct-2022 09:15
so beautiful and delicate! V
Fong Lam06-Oct-2022 08:22
Love the backlight which brings out the colors and details well...V
waterfalls man06-Oct-2022 03:13
Beautiful Shot V!!
larose forest photos06-Oct-2022 00:21
What a beauty!! Love your delicate shot of it. V
janescottcumming05-Oct-2022 22:09
Very pretty with those intricate veins.
Ray :)05-Oct-2022 20:02
a beautiful pink.
joseantonio05-Oct-2022 19:43
looks so lovely with those colors.V.
Carl Carbone05-Oct-2022 19:06
Very pretty image. Love the color and detail.
Allan Jay05-Oct-2022 18:55
Gorgeous colours and detail!
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