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Kerry | profile | all galleries >> Japan & HK Trip 2002 >> Kyoto tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Kyoto Station
Kyoto Station
Our hotel
Our hotel
Path to temple
Path to temple
Mochi making machines
Mochi making machines
Kyoto style mochi
Kyoto style mochi
Fan shop
Fan shop
Pickle shop
Pickle shop
Temple - view from above
Temple - view from above
Rainbow coloured trees
Rainbow coloured trees
Temple among the trees
Temple among the trees
Sand sculpture
Sand sculpture
Temple building
Temple building
Temple (Ginkakuji)
Temple (Ginkakuji)
Grounds keepers
Grounds keepers
Japanese landscaping
Japanese landscaping
Going up to another temple
Going up to another temple
Zen rock garden
Zen rock garden
Water fountain
Water fountain
Roadside shrine
Roadside shrine
Autumn colours
Autumn colours
Autumn colours
Autumn colours
Splash of colour among the green
Splash of colour among the green
Japanese maple in full colour
Japanese maple in full colour
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