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Damselflies (30+)

Please notify me if you can identify or you believe I have misidentified any.

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Ebony jewelwing (male).jpg
Ebony jewelwing (male).jpg
Ebony jewelwing (female).jpg
Ebony jewelwing (female).jpg
Ebony Jewelwing (male) 2163.jpg
Ebony Jewelwing (male) 2163.jpg
Ebony Jewelwing (male) 2164.jpg
Ebony Jewelwing (male) 2164.jpg
American Rubyspot (male)-1893.jpg
American Rubyspot (male)-1893.jpg
American Rubyspot (female)-1875.jpg
American Rubyspot (female)-1875.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5929.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5929.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5906.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5906.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5985.jpg
Familiar Bluet (male) 5985.jpg
Familiar Bluet (female) 5922.jpg
Familiar Bluet (female) 5922.jpg
Stream Bluets-1321.jpg
Stream Bluets-1321.jpg
Stream Bluets-1862.jpg
Stream Bluets-1862.jpg
Stream Bluet (male)-1317.jpg
Stream Bluet (male)-1317.jpg
Azure Bluet (male) 5914.jpg
Azure Bluet (male) 5914.jpg
Turquoise bluet (female).jpg
Turquoise bluet (female).jpg
Double-striped Bluet (female) 5816.jpg
Double-striped Bluet (female) 5816.jpg
unidentified Bluet? (female) 5909.jpg
unidentified Bluet? (female) 5909.jpg
Aurora Damsels 1068.jpg
Aurora Damsels 1068.jpg
Eastern Forktail (male) 5923.jpg
Eastern Forktail (male) 5923.jpg
Eastern Forktail (female) 5522.jpg
Eastern Forktail (female) 5522.jpg
Eastern Forktail (female) 5988.jpg
Eastern Forktail (female) 5988.jpg
Fragile Forktail (male) 5874.jpg
Fragile Forktail (male) 5874.jpg
Fragile Forktail (male) 5982.jpg
Fragile Forktail (male) 5982.jpg
Fragile Forktail (blue male) 5940.jpg
Fragile Forktail (blue male) 5940.jpg
Eastern or Fragile Forktail (female)5976.jpg
Eastern or Fragile Forktail (female)5976.jpg
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