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Kuriacose Joseph | profile | all galleries >> Other Pictures from 2005 >> July 23rd 2005 weekend tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 23rd 2005 weekend

We went to the Delaware beaches for the July 23rd weekend with the Croos and Packianathan families. It was a good trip, although it was also somewhat tiring because of the traveling involved. The kids had a blast! A lot of time was spent in the waters. Luckily the weather cooperated. Here are my pictures. I did not take pictures of the kids in the water at Dewey Beach, but believe me, they easily spent more than an hour in the cool waters frolicking around.
Parking for Broadkill Beach, DE
Parking for Broadkill Beach, DE
Lunch is served
Lunch is served
Sumati, Prema and Teresa
Sumati, Prema and Teresa
Anita, Jensen, Jeffy and Ranjan
Anita, Jensen, Jeffy and Ranjan
Madame Film Director
Madame Film Director
Illegal parking?
Illegal parking?
Jensen and Joe
Jensen and Joe
A fight?
A fight?
After scouting the beach
After scouting the beach
First steps into the water
First steps into the water
The rest of the group relaxes
The rest of the group relaxes
Joe and Ranjan
Joe and Ranjan
A little braver now
A little braver now
Broadkill Beach
Broadkill Beach
Looks like fun!
Looks like fun!
Prema having fun
Prema having fun
Whats so interesting?
Whats so interesting?
Playtime for Sumati
Playtime for Sumati
A patriotic setting
A patriotic setting
All by itself
All by itself
More adults in the water
More adults in the water
The gangs all here
The gangs all here
Mr. Atlas
Mr. Atlas
The Croos gang
The Croos gang
Packing up
Packing up
A game of cards
A game of cards
Seaford, Delaware
Seaford, Delaware
The Best Western
The Best Western
Mom and daughter
Mom and daughter
What is that?
What is that?
At Dewey Beach
At Dewey Beach
More crowds
More crowds
Facing the wrong direction
Facing the wrong direction
A sand level view
A sand level view
Jaunty umbrellas
Jaunty umbrellas
Departing the beach
Departing the beach
Hot sands
Hot sands
Following the footpath
Following the footpath
Last of the gang
Last of the gang