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Travels along the C&O Canal and nearby parks

I discovered the C&O canal towpath along the Potomac river in the Spring of 2004. I have not stopped going there since. I started out with a traditional 35 mm camera, scanning pictures on to the computer. I now use a digital camera which is much more convenient.

December 2006 update: It is now more than two years since I have been taking pictures. In a way, I have taken pictures of almost everything that would be considered a landmark between miles 0 and 106. But I still find reasons to take new pictures, from new perspectives. I still carry my camera just in case I find an opportunity to use it. I just got a camera with a 12x zoom which I have yet to take on the trail. I hope to be able to take closer pictures of the birds and beasts one encounters in future with this new toy.

March 2010 - I got a DSLR of the four-thirds kind. There are three lenses, including a super-zoom for the birds. I still carry the camera with a couple of lenses while running in a backpack although it is heavier than my previous camera.
C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2024
gallery: C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2024
C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2023
gallery: C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2023
C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2022
gallery: C&O Canal and Nearby Parks in 2022
C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2021
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2021
C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2020
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2020
C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2019
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2019
C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2018
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2018
C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2017
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby parks from 2017
C&O Canal and nearby Parks from 2016
gallery: C&O Canal and nearby Parks from 2016
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